Angela YT Chan

Angela Chan is an independent researcher, curator and artist based in the East Midlands. Her work reconfigures power in relation to the inequity of climate change, through self-archiving, rethinking geographies and speculative fiction. Her recent research-art commissions span climate framings, water scarcity and conflict, and she has held residencies with Arts Catalyst, FACT/Jerwood Arts’ Digital Fellowship and Sonic Acts’ environmental research residency.

Since 2014, Angela has produced curatorial projects and workshops such as Worm: art + ecology, collaborating with artists, activists and youth groups. She co-founded the London Chinese Science Fiction Group and co-directs the London Science Fiction Research Community. Angela is also a research consultant, having worked in international climate and cultural policy and on climate and sustainability projects for major cultural institutions.

Angela holds a joint honours undergraduate in History of Art and Scandinavian Studies with Norwegian (UCL) and an MA in Climate Change: History, Culture, Society (KCL).

Angela YT Chan previously curated a short film programme as part of AND Festival 2021 and was part of AND’s XR Talent Development Residency Impossible Perspectives LabAngela is also working on Wild Natures, a co-created initiative with artist Hwa Young Jung, Abandon Normal Devices and young adults on probation.