Lift to the Gallows \ Dir. Louis Malle (2017)

This film was part of AND Festival 2017.

“Elevators invite us to expect the unexpected in certain predictable ways.  They are public yet private, enclosing yet permeable, separate from but integral to the architecture spaces that surround them” Susan Garfinkel

From climbing up the business ladder (Working Girl), to anxieties of mental collapse (Deconstructing Harry). This geography of lifts  will be a seductive interrogation of motion, magnitude and class, featuring Louis Malle’s stylish directorial debut, Lift to the Scaffold, where Maurice Ronet commits ‘the perfect murder’ and on leaving gets trapped in a lift….

Lift to the Scaffold, Dir. Louis Malles (FR) (1958) (1hr 31min)

A self-assured business man murders his employer, the husband of his mistress, which unintentionally provokes an ill-fated chain of events. This classic Film Noir that has been attributed to spearheading the French New Wave, features an original score by Jazz legend, Miles Davies.

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