AND Festival 2012 \\ Manchester, UK \\ 29 August – 02 September
AND invited visitors to experience a festival that highlighted the complexities, gradations and anomalies encountered when we examine success as an ideal. AND Festival 2012 continued to be as much about work evolving over time, artists experimenting, and setting ambitious parameters, as it was about finished exhibitions. The experience of success can be fleeting and addictive. Through unusual strategies, the artists and filmmakers presenting in the festival revealed alternative ways of being by offering rich counterpoints to perfection and undermining accepted logic.

What is glitch aesthetics? Is dropping data like dropping acid? And who is The Artist 2.0? Grab your datamoshing goggles and have your questions answered by this online project and exhibition from net art pioneer Mark Amerika.
Featuring digital video art, digitally manipulated still images, game design, stand-up comedy, sound art, electronic literature and a mock museum catalogue in free e-book and print-on-demand editions.
Read moreMuseum of Glitch Aesthetics / Mark Amerika (2012)

It’s a scientific fact that teen brains are particularly alive, active and sensitive; fast, risking-taking blobs that make creative and sometimes bizarre leaps, giving them an evolutionary edge.
Putting these highly adaptable brains to the test, we’ve assembled a teen panel to answer your problems at a special event at First Street. Submit online, then see our teens in action on 01 Sep.
Read moreAsk A Teenager \ Mammalian Diving Reflex (2012)
Sat 1st Sep 2012
Monetised was a performance that looked at how we materialise our dreams by monetising specific aspects of them, and the difference between…
Read moreMonetised / Steven Ounanian (2012)
Thu 30th Aug 2012
Iraqi American artist Wafaa Bilal is known internationally for his controversial online, performative and interactive works. For his latest project Bilal continues this trend, making a traditional public square home to a very different kind of monument: a giant, inflatable representation of Technoviking.
Read moreMeme Junkyard: Technoviking / Wafaa Bilal (2012)
Thu 30th Aug — Sun 2nd Sep 2012
The train project is an ongoing body of speculative investigation into the language and aesthetics of transport culture by artists HeHe. They…
Read moreM-Blem: the train project / HeHe (2012)

The Inventory is a fanzine compilation of digital artefacts produced online, seeking to explore the relationship between user-generated content and the ways in…
Read moreThe Inventory / Peter Martin and Orla Foster (2012)
Wed 29th Aug — Sun 2nd Sep 2012
Who is really to blame for the current financial crisis? Is it the over-zealous drive of corporate bankers, or the demand for private property?
Are we here because of the pursuit, or indeed failure, of a particular notion of capitalist success?
This exhibition at BlankSpace examines the perpetual disillusionment of a generation of artists living through global financial turmoil.
Read moreWhat have I done to (de)serve this? / Group show (2012)
Thu 30th Aug — Sun 16th Sep 2012
Rafaël Rozendaal is an artist who uses the internet as his canvas. His work researches the screen as a pictorial space, reverse…
Read moreHappy Mondays / Rafaël Rozendaal (2012)

Clearing is a new work by Ultimate Holding Company (UHC) that seeks to create a dialogue around the subject of higher arts education and the globalized trade in ‘knowledge capital’. The piece takes data from the University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and the London stock market Stock Exchange to create an animated digital display and a physical space for critical reflection.
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